You might have heard that you should eat before going wine tasting. But if you’re an inexperienced taster you might not think it matters, after all most tastings offer crackers. Believe me, it’s sound advice.
A lot of my favorite wine adventures happened at Barboursville Vineyards and Winery, my favorite winery. This one was our first trip there. We were novices to tasting good wines. (Yes, it was a long time ago.) We had planned a day of visiting several wineries and planned to eat breakfast on our way to the first winery, but we were staying in the country and the winery is in the country and there were no restaurants to be found. We decided to stop at Barboursville and eat before the next one which was closer to town. Big mistake! The pourer that day at the winery had graduated from UVA the night before and wanted to celebrate. Her pours for us (and herself) were quite generous. We tasted several wines and were quite toasted by the time we left.
Moral of the story, wine tasting is lots of fun, but you need a nice meal before you start your wine tour.
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