Spring is an excellent time to visit wineries. Hopefully, you’re getting out there and trying new wines. Most years in March and early April I would have a lot of winery visits to write about, but this year has been anything but normal. Since March 2, when the tornadoes tore through southern Kenton County, we’ve not had the time to get away for a winery trip. We’ve been cleaning up and trying to put things back together. We were luckier than many of our neighbors and our house just needs a roof and some minimal repairs, but we lost four barns on the family farm.
We are looking forward to this Friday; we are attending the first Tuscan dinner at Chrisman Mill Vineyard and Winery. We’ve been to several Tuscan dinners in past years, so I’m sure it will be great. I’ll let you know next week.
Hopefully, we will be able to get out and about in the near future. Also,I may soon have some news about my wine book, A Wine Lover’s Odyssey Across Kentucky.
This entry was posted in Wine News by admin
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