The last few months have been a series of up and downs, and ups and downs. As people say, “life happens”. Last summer we felt hope, only to be let down in the fall and winter. I don’t know about anyone else but I’m looking forward to spring and an even better summer. As a wine lover, I’m hopeful that spring and summer will bring about a return to the normalcy of visiting wineries, going to tastings, festivals, and events.
Keep watching for news and mark the dates. McConnell Springs has announced its annual Barrel Tasting will be held on March 26, 2022. The Wine and Vine Fest in Nicholasville has said save the date for June 18, 2022. Wineries are planning the new spring and summer hours. Things are looking up! So curl up near a fire, pour some Kentucky wine and picture yourself laughing and tasting when we get back together to celebrate Kentucky wine!
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